
Orange Fence

That orange fence is probably made
to rebuild the thing that was broken.
I don't know how to call
the thing that was broken...

That orange fence looks much better than
black and groomy fences.

Q and Jongchan

Q and Jongchan are both wearing 'NY'ed cap!
They are very common hats but, still


Eunji is pulling out her waffle from
the machine!
The printhing on her back is very

A lion and an eagle were fighting!


Pete's 1st times being ''blogged''.

The printhing on his jersey is
impressive and nice!

Is it a speacial edition?

Dan Lucia

Dan came to the campus for the play
and Lucia came here for the game!

Good Luck!


Dylan, Steph, and Kim were sledding
this morning!
It seemed to be fun, but it was too cold
for me...

Nice gloves!

His flourescent gloves are easily visible!
(not that easy in this size....)
Anyway, I thank them for melthing snow on
the roads!


Hansol came back with a Mexican hat!
His skin seems to be darker too.
Welcome back!